Kompong Phluk Tour
Kompong Phluk
You won’t see any croco farms or children with snakes there, and the boat journey is actually quite scenic and enjoyable. Despite the growing flow of tourists (you’ll understand what we mean when you see the dozens of boats at the dock) , Kompong Phluk has kept a lot of its authenticity and its visit is overall a nice experience.
“Then why don’t you take Triple A customers there?” you may ask. Well, Kompong Phluk is a small village, so the boat ride is consequently quite short. Some find it too short compared to the $20 entry fee per person. Moreover, the boat service is managed by a private company, which means that the locals don’t really see much of the money generated from tourism.
Overall, Kompong Phluk is still a good option if you only have a few hours to spend.